
Hey Agencies!

Manage many handbooks.

Are you a PEO, ASO, HR consultant, benefits advisor, or another kind of agency that helps many clients with their employee handbooks and policy management? We’re working on something for you!

Agency Early Access Program

Blissbook currently serves customers of all sizes via direct relationships. We’ve heard from several PEOs and consultants that they’d like a way to manage all of the handbooks they create and maintain for their clients in one place.

In order to build out this solution we’re starting an early access program to partner with a few select early adopter customers who can help us bring this product to market. Think of it like a Kickstarter campaign. If you’re interested, please let us know.

Edit Once, Update Everywhere

No more addendums, no more waiting years to update policies. Changes are quick and easy! Edit your master policies and push changes out to all of your clients’ handbooks.

Custom Branding for Every Client

Every handbook can “break” from your master templates so you can customize the logo, colors, fonts, and overall branding for any of your clients’ handbooks.

Easily Onboard New Clients

Create handbooks for new clients with ease. Just choose locations and policies and Blissbook builds the handbook for you, pulling in the necessary legal language.

Unburden Your Associates

Lighten your policy management workload via automation (and reduce human error), so your associates can do the work they want to do instead of manually updating policies.

Differentiate Yourself

It can be tough to differentiate yourself as a PEO! Demonstrate to prospects how you outclass your competition by caring about the employee experience.

Client Value-Add

Your clients get a modern, up-to-date, and better-looking, working, and feeling handbook that makes your company look “with the times”.

Now what?

Our Agency Early Access program is in the early stages and we’re looking for launch partners. If managing many handbooks for your clients is a problem that you’d like our help solving, please let us know.