Blissbook Bugle #6

TGIF! One more week gone forever. Since we’ll never get it back, let’s look ahead and get better for tomorrow. We plowed through a field full of HR and policy management articles this week so we could harvest (see what I did there?) the best stuff for you. Here’s hoping your Saturday and Sunday are Blissful!

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Article of the Week: The subject of this week’s highlighted piece (look for the below) is inspired by the recent Day Without a Woman protests in that the article’s headline has the word “Woman” in it. Hey, I didn’t say it was a strong connection. Also, the issue shouldn’t be a gender one – we all hold ourselves back in some way from time to time.

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Policy Management in Blissbook

Soon we’ll be rolling out an update to split your 1 Blissbook handbook document into a collection of individual policies.

At first, you’ll notice that your chapters, sections, and policies now have individual version numbers plus the date they were published.

Although the immediate impact is small, this is step 1 of our push towards complete policy management. We want Blissbook to be the tool you rely on for the entire policy lifecycle, from creating to sharing to signing and updating.

Tom O'Dea

Tom is the CEO and co-founder of Blissbook, where he helps HR teams craft and distribute culture-first, digital employee handbooks. For over 10 years, he’s partnered with hundreds of organizations and thousands of HR pros to develop clear, engaging HR policies, employee handbooks, and more. At home, his two daughters provide daily reminders that even the best-written policies are open to interpretation.


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