Bugle #12: Harassment Policy Spring Cleaning

TGIF means The Grind Includes Friday. We’re cheering you on here at Blissbook to get those last things done this week. You’ve been working hard – why not take a quick break to check out one of the HR or policy management articles we’ve gathered for you this week?

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Article of the Week: This week’s highlighted piece (look for the below) is a policy related one. It’s springtime which means a little spring cleaning is in order. Why not start with your harassment policy? There’s a great tip in the article for getting yours in great shape.

Show Employees You Care

Protect Your Company

State Specific Protection

Just For Fun

Tom O'Dea

Tom is the CEO and co-founder of Blissbook, where he helps HR teams craft and distribute culture-first, digital employee handbooks. For over 10 years, he’s partnered with hundreds of organizations and thousands of HR pros to develop clear, engaging HR policies, employee handbooks, and more. At home, his two daughters provide daily reminders that even the best-written policies are open to interpretation.


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