Bugle #47: Picture a Leader. Is She a Woman?

It’s Friday! Here in the US, today is the kickoff to your Memorial Day weekend. While we’re here working on updating our privacy policy and terms for GDPR, you can check out the best HR, leadership, and policy management articles we put together from the last couple of weeks.

Did you know? Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day due to the practice of decorating the graves of fallen soldiers.

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Article of the Week: We chose this week’s highlighted article (look for the below) because its topic is something so simple yet so profound! A little reminder that most of the time, we are just animals following our animal brains.

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Tom O'Dea

Tom is the CEO of Blissbook and is honored to lead our mission for more inspired employees. He receives tweets at @tom_odea and wishes he could spend a few years eating his way around the world.


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