More than 60 million adults in the United States have a disability. That’s one in four, according to the CDC. This means that, in all likelihood, some of your employees are affected by disability. By empowering conversation around disability and reasonable accommodations, your company can create an inclusive and accessible workplace where every employee thrives.
Plus, let’s be real. Your employees probably know that this policy is required, so it’s important to put your own spin on it. How can you create a policy that covers the must-haves while providing insight into your company culture? We’ve got some ideas.
As the emphasis on inclusive workplaces grows, it’s no surprise that lactation accommodation laws are a part of this equation. Lactation accommodations have been federally required since 2010 when the Affordable Care Act amended the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to provide protection for employees who need to express breast milk.
In recent years, more states and locations have developed their own specific laws, so it’s important you provide nursing employees everything they need to know about lactation accommodations in the workplace.
As an employer, one of your handbook’s most important policies is the one that prohibits harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Employees rely on you to create a work environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Failure to do so will lead to a long list of imminent difficulties. So, are you ready to make your employees feel valued or what?
Employees expect to see a policy against harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in your company handbook. In fact, aside from policies about taking time off work, your anti-harassment policy is likely one of the most frequently reviewed. It deserves your time and attention, just like your employees deserve to work in an environment where they can thrive.
And, as with all handbook policies, be sure to explain why the policy has been developed. It’s much more than a means to prevent legal woes — it speaks to your company and its culture, too.
Most employers are required to have an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy. And, even if it’s not mandated for your company, it’s strongly recommended. An EEO policy illustrates that your organization is committed to creating an equitable workforce. Though job seekers and employees expect your company to have an EEO policy, you can use this policy to make a powerful statement about the organization and its culture.
We always emphasize the inclusion of the why that supports the policy, and this is truly an opportunity to help your organization shine
Employees expect you to have a policy related to drugs and alcohol, but it needs to be more than the mere dos and don’ts. With increased awareness surrounding substance use and misuse, it’s important to provide a policy that goes well beyond the punishment piece. If your employees are struggling, the best thing you can do is provide them with the resources to recover. Though employees won’t be surprised to see a drug and alcohol policy in your handbook, it’s still important to define why the policy exists and how you may be able to help employees in need.
Paid time off is a popular topic, particularly when recruiting new talent. With a growing emphasis on flexibility and work-life balance, your paid time off (PTO) policy is one of the most important — and definitely one of the most read. In our series of policy creation posts, we often stress the need to provide your employees with the why that drives the policy. However, in this case, chances are that your employees are eager to read your stance on PTO. Plus, when it comes to employee culture, your PTO policy is a good indicator of what you’re all about.
Now, maybe more than ever, it’s important that you create or refresh your company’s policy about outside employment (or moonlighting). As with all policies related to off-duty behavior, strict requirements will cause more harm than good. Since employees can easily — and justifiably — be turned off by a stringent outside employment policy, it’s key that you dive into why the policy is necessary.
Though dress codes don’t carry the same clout they used to, it’s best to have a documented policy outlining employee dress expectations — even if it’s simple. Many employers have relaxed their dress codes given the increase in remote work and the desire to keep employees happy, but some environments still require them for the sake of cleanliness or safety. By documenting what’s acceptable and what’s not, your employees will know what you expect from them, leading to fewer awkward conversations. And, as with all policies, remind your employees why the dress code exists.
No matter how harmonious your workplace is, it’s smart to have a documented conflict resolution policy. This way, if or when issues do arise, they can be addressed in a consistent and efficient manner. You also want to make sure your employees understand why a conflict resolution policy benefits them.
Social media policies used to be few and far between, but it’s now a must-have policy to include in your company’s employee handbook. With so many employees using social media on and off the clock, it’s important to let employees know your expectations. This includes letting employees know when social media usage is appropriate, guidelines regarding content, as well as how social media includes other company policies — such as those related to harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. You also want to make sure your employees understand why a social media policy is necessary.