Culture-First Employee Handbook Samples & Resources

We’ve been talking with a partner who’s hosting an employee handbook workshop later this month and the conversation quickly turned to company culture. In her words:

“Employee Handbooks are not just critical for mitigating risk, they introduce employees to company culture and how they fit in.”

In order to create our eBook, How to Write a Culture-First Employee Handbook, we compiled a list of references – samples, resources, and articles that helped shape our thinking on the topic.

We’d thought it might be nice to share them with you!

Sample Employee Handbooks and “Handbooks”



Tom O'Dea

Tom is the CEO and co-founder of Blissbook, where he helps HR teams craft and distribute culture-first, digital employee handbooks. For over 10 years, he’s partnered with hundreds of organizations and thousands of HR pros to develop clear, engaging HR policies, employee handbooks, and more. At home, his two daughters provide daily reminders that even the best-written policies are open to interpretation.


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