Month: August 2016

Multiple Signatures and Handbook Grades

Keeping your company protected doesn’t end on an employee’s first day. Over time, laws, regulations, and best-practices change and your handbook changes right alongside. We recently made it easy to keep employees informed of those changes but sometimes the changes are so big that you want to collect new signatures. Or maybe you added your code of conduct to make it easy to keep updated, and that code gets signed off every year. We’ve heard from you that these are very real situations and our latest update addresses them.

This also forced a change to the documentation center. The new documentation center’s purpose is to communicate the following, clearly and efficiently, on your behalf: Am I current? Am I doing everything I can to keep the company protected? If not, where (or who) are the risks?

Employee Handbook Documentation Dashboard


Every employee now has a risk rating, and all those ratings contribute to an overall risk mitigation grade. If everyone has signed the latest signature round, you get an A+. If employees haven’t signed, you get points when you’ve made sure they know about the handbook and when they view it.

Look for the dashboard to get improved and tweaked over time!

Creating an Information and Data Security Policy

The importance of safeguarding your company’s and your company’s customers’ data is obvious. Since I wrote about data breaches a year ago in regards to how to place a security freeze to prevent identity theft, the list of prominent organizations who’ve suffered from data breaches is long. Disney, Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee, the University of Connecticut, hotel(s)… the list goes on – and that’s just in the last 45 days!

Your company can reduce the risk of a data breach by having strong data safeguards in place. A great way to disseminate these data safeguards with an Information and Data Security Policy in your employee handbook. This article covers an overview of all the different information that you may want to include in your data security policy.