Bugle #99: Your Handbook Handbook

Funny seeing you here. After wearing our thinking caps and racking the brains of HR professionals and employment attorneys, we created an expansive resource on how to write policies and procedures. And, if that wasn’t enough, it even comes with a companion workbook. Now we’re talking!

Anyway, enough about us. To keep your HR, leadership and policy management game strong, check out the articles we found over the past couple weeks.

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Article of the Week: Whoops, back to us. Normally we bury the Article of the Week and have you hunt for it by looking for the . However, we’ll make it extra simple this time:

✦ ✦ ✦ How to Write Policies and Procedures ✦ ✦ ✦

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Drew Dotson

Drew enjoys eating cheese, cuddling with dogs, doing puzzles, and watching sports. She's been writing with Blissbook about HR policy management and employee handbooks for 10 years. Outside of work, Drew is passionate about raising awareness (and funds) for cystic fibrosis. Can't get enough info about Drew Dotson?


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