At what point should your company create an employee handbook? There’s no simple answer to that question. When evaluating your company’s need for an employee handbook, you should take several factors into consideration.
In this article, we’ll go over the primary functions of an employee handbook, the circumstances that warrant one, and how you can start creating your own.
By the end, you’ll know if you need an employee handbook and how you can make it as impactful as possible.
Say goodbye to the days of long, boring handbooks that evoked yawns and glazed looks from employees everywhere. There’s a whole world of outstanding and unputdownable employee handbooks that convey policies and procedures in a way that engages and ignites a sense of belonging among workers.
We’ve compiled five examples to show you creative ways to present information and foster a positive work culture. Whether you’re creating a new employee handbook or revamping an existing one, these examples provide valuable inspiration and guidance.
Let’s dive into some exceptional employee handbooks and uncover what makes them stand out.
A signature page gives an employee handbook its power, so it should be a priority when developing your handbook content. Though it can be easy to get caught up in the ins and outs of the policies themselves, your signature or acknowledgement page is what makes things official. By signing, employees affirm that they’ve read the expectations detailed on the acknowledgement page.
In this article, we’ll explore signature pages from all angles, including what they are, best practices (with examples), and how to create and design an effective signature page for your employee handbook.
This is a guest post by Matt Tanner from Same Page HR. It first appeared in his newsletter, Working Theories. If your small business needs fractional HR support, give Matt and his team a holler.
Imagine your boss pulls you aside one day and breaks the news that your company is in financial trouble. Word has come down from management that spending must be reduced and jobs are going to be eliminated.
You’ve been a model employee, so you’re given a choice: keep your job and take a 15% pay cut, or pack your things and leave with a one-month severance package.
Welcome statements are the first thing employees read when they join an organization and review the employee handbook. Your welcome statement sets the tone for the work culture and makes a lasting impression on new hires. Plus, current employees may re-read it when they look to the employee handbook for answers to questions.
Creating an effective welcome statement is crucial for companies that want to build a positive and productive work environment.
In this article, we’ll discuss what a welcome statement is, why it’s important, and how to create one that sets the right tone for your organization. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of the guidelines for writing a welcome statement, examples of effective welcome statements, and a detailed process for crafting your own.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know the main purpose of your employee handbook is to lay down the law — er, politely convey your company policies and procedures so everyone can work happily ever after. However, at Blissbook we believe your handbook can and should be so much more.
By approaching your handbook with company culture in mind, you can communicate much more than typical how-not-to-get-in-trouble content. In addition to demonstrating your company’s values and guidelines in your everyday actions, your employee handbook is a great place to showcase what matters to your company and why.
It’s common to think of an employee handbook as a guide of dos and don’ts — but it can be so much more.
Your employee handbook can be your most valuable tool in making a good first impression of your organization in its entirety. What better time to induce the feels than when new employees come on board?
Though it may sound complicated, it’s actually quite simple.
Tell them why — why you exist, and why they should care.
If your employees understand why you do what you do, they’re more likely to want to be part of it. And that means they’re also more inclined to adhere to your policies and procedures.
By using your employee handbook to highlight your organization’s mission and vision, you can make Day 1 more impactful than ever.
Though it’s been a rough two years for everyone, HR professionals have experienced unprecedented levels of stress. In addition to the complexities of managing workplace virus protocols, HR professionals are feeling the brunt of employee turnover as the Great Resignation continues. COVID-19’s initial disruption caused widespread job losses as companies tried to stay afloat. Then, as the virus perpetuated, employees suffered from burnout, leading to voluntary resignations in record numbers.
In November of 2021, the U.S. saw its highest quit rate since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking the data in December 2000. After peaking in November, the quit rate remains significantly elevated. January 2022 brought an additional 4.25 million resignations, compared to January 2021’s 3.31 million. Yikes.
Before we go any further, let’s take a look at the sources of our information. To develop this article, we looked at two surveys conducted last year. It’s important to note that this research was conducted prior to the introduction of the Omicron variant, which complicated things further.
SHRM’s 2021 Surviving the Great Resignation survey, which included responses from 200 executives, 1,150 employees, and more than 2,200 HR professionals from mid to late summer 2021
This beauty is located on N. Candler St. in Decatur, northeast of downtown Atlanta.
Did you know that “dumpster” is a generic trademark, falling into the same category as words like Kleenex or Band-Aid? In 1937, the Dempster brothers of Knoxville, Tennessee, patented a system called the Dempster-Dumpster, which mechanically emptied standardized metal containers. Over time, these metal containers were simply referred to as dumpsters, and the Dempster brothers’ brainchild became a household name.
Happy 100th Bugle! There’s just something special about the number 100. It’s the sum of the first nine prime numbers (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 and 23). It’s the total number of United States Senators. It’s the amount of tiles in a game of Scrabble. It’s how many Bugles we’ve carefully crafted for your enjoyment…you’re welcome.
To celebrate this momentous occasion, look at these awesome HR, leadership and policy management articles we found over the past couple weeks.
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Article of the Week: Has social distancing driven you to a place of self-reflection? Rather than viewing your imperfections negatively, this Bugle’s Article ‒ er, Video ‒ of the Week might help you view them in a different light. Look for the ✦ below, you beautifully flawed specimen.