
Lessons from Terminations Gone Wacky

Happy Friday! You know what that means – the week’s best HR, leadership and policy management articles are here! Enjoy, have a great weekend, and for our American readers: Happy Independence Day. For those of you in the UK, sorry to throw that in your face. We still love you.

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Article of the Week: We chose this week’s highlight (look for the below) because it’s a fun read and Friday is a great day for fun reads. Plus, there are also some great lessons to be learned!

Change Company Culture With a Movement

Summertime, and the livin’s easy! Or so they say. What could be better than spending your first Friday of the summer with the week’s best HR, leadership and policy management articles? Don’t answer that, it’s supposed to be rhetorical. Have a great weekend!

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Article of the Week: We chose this week’s highlight (look for the below) so we could remind you to not forget about “loss” during change. Anytime a change happens, employees are losing what they’re used to. Helping them feel better about that loss will make change management easier for you!

Bugle #19: The Emotional Support Pig Edition

Friday is here! Time to wrap up all those things you were trying to finish up this week and then spend some time with The Bugle. We’ve gathered the week’s best HR, leadership and policy management articles for you to enjoy. Have a great weekend!

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Article of the Week: We chose this week’s highlight (look for the below) because, well, the headline is very clickable. That said, there is great advice throughout on how to handle the situation without getting in ADA trouble.

Bugle #17: The Sexual Harassment Edition

Happy June! We’re back from our Memorial Day weekend vacation and we’ve compiled the best HR, leadership and policy management articles from the last 2 weeks – just for you!

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Articles of the Week: This week we’ve packaged together a few articles (look for the below) on sexual harassment. These articles will help you get your harassment policies in order and help you coach employees if (or when) the time comes. Enjoy!

Bugle #14: Discover Your Blind Spots

Happy Cinco de Mayo! May the 5th be with you! Did we do that right? No? It doesn’t matter – it’s time to read the week’s best HR, policy management, and self-improvement articles! We put ’em together just for you.

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Article of the Week: It’s self-improvement week here at Blissbook HQ. This week’s highlighted piece (look for the below) is about recognizing your blind spots. The key? Listening. Here’s to shutting our yappers!

Bugle #13: Unwritten Rules at Work

Happy Friday! It’s been quite a week. Before you give April 2017 a fond farewell this weekend, why not take a breather and check out one of the spectacular HR, policy management, or leadership articles we’ve curated below?

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Article of the Week: Let’s be honest, this week’s highlighted piece (look for the below) mentions the Red Sox, which means it had the red star in the bag before I was 2 sentences in. That said, the author raises some great points about unwritten rules at the office.

Bugle #12: Harassment Policy Spring Cleaning

TGIF means The Grind Includes Friday. We’re cheering you on here at Blissbook to get those last things done this week. You’ve been working hard – why not take a quick break to check out one of the HR or policy management articles we’ve gathered for you this week?

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Article of the Week: This week’s highlighted piece (look for the below) is a policy related one. It’s springtime which means a little spring cleaning is in order. Why not start with your harassment policy? There’s a great tip in the article for getting yours in great shape.

Bugle #11: Hockey Has Great Core Values

It’s Friday! The name Friday comes from the Old English Frīġedæġ, meaning the “day of Frige”, a result of an old convention associating the Old English goddess Frigg with the Roman goddess Venus, with whom the day is associated in many different cultures. Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to check out the latest and greatest HR and policy management articles we found – just for you! Happy Easter and/or Passover!

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Article of the Week: This week’s highlighted piece (look for the below) is about hockey players. We love hockey here at Blissbook. The core values that make you successful in hockey will make you successful at life. Courage. Teamwork. Humility. Toughness. Resilience. Selflessness. Business leaders could take a lesson from the sport.

Where else do you see your business’s core values in action?


Bugle #10: Give Employees a Great Morning

Do you hear that? It’s the weekend calling. So kick back, relax, and check out the latest and greatest HR and policy management articles we found. See you next week!

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Article of the Week: We love this week’s highlighted piece (look for the below) because it’s so easy to do, and it will make all (well, most) of your employees smile. This is what leadership is all about!

Culture-First Employee Handbook Samples & Resources

We’ve been talking with a partner who’s hosting an employee handbook workshop later this month and the conversation quickly turned to company culture. In her words:

“Employee Handbooks are not just critical for mitigating risk, they introduce employees to company culture and how they fit in.”

In order to create our eBook, How to Write a Culture-First Employee Handbook, we compiled a list of references – samples, resources, and articles that helped shape our thinking on the topic.

We’d thought it might be nice to share them with you!