All posts by Drew Dotson

Bugle #86: 10 Questions

Happy Whatever-Day-It-Is! Just kidding. We know it’s Friday. How do we know? We looked at the calendar. It feels a bit more like a Tuesday, but we’ll take it.

In case you’ve already bombed your resolutions, it’s not too late to add “Read every Bugle in 2020.” And, with that, we present to you some of the best HR, leadership, and policy management articles we found over the past couple weeks.

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Article of the Week: Still have at least a sliver of optimism on the third day of the year? Check out this Bugle’s highlighted article (look for the below) to potentially unlock some secrets to your own workplace happiness.

Bugle #85: S-A-F-E-T-Y

Gone so soon? Or good riddance? As 2019 nears its end, you may be overcome with reflection — or relief. We’re feeling particularly contemplative after learning’s Word of the Year. Whew.

Before you duck out of work at the earliest possible opportunity, browse some of the best HR, leadership, and policy management articles we found over the past couple weeks.

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Article of the Week: Better safe than sorry, right? Check out this week’s highlighted article (look for the below) to be sure you’re in the OSHA loop.

Bugle #84: Above the Line

Congrats! You’ve survived the first week of December.

Our last pop-psych article of 2019 focuses on priming or, in other words, subtle ways to encourage the response you want. Plant the seed, and watch it flourish.

We’ve compiled – just for you – some of the best HR, leadership, and policy management articles we found over the past couple weeks.

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Article of the Week: During an often-hectic time of year, it’s easy to get caught up in your own story. Are you usually above the line or below it? This week’s highlighted article explains what that means (look for the below).

It’s Prime Time: Nudge Before You Message

Bingo. Florida. Wrinkle. Do those words prompt any specific mental images? Stubborn. Forgetful. Wise. We’re getting warmer. You may have quickly determined that these are terms often associated with elderly people. However, you might become skeptical if I told you that exposure to those words would cause you to walk  s l o w e r.

Bugle #83: Lift Someone Up

Surprise, it’s Friday! Are you truly astonished, or have you been counting down since, well, Sunday? Our latest pop-psych article delves into surprise in the workplace. By mixing in unfamiliar or unexpected experiences, you can help employees develop positive, lasting memories.

Up your knowledge game by reading some of the best HR, leadership, and policy management articles we found over the past couple weeks.

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Article of the Week: Having just celebrated World Kindness Day, this week’s featured article reminds us that small gestures can create a big impact. There’s even a bulleted list of ways to lift others. Try knocking one or two items out this weekend (look for the below).

Create a Memorable Workday

It’s a beautifully peaceful day at the beach, waves occasionally reaching your sand-covered toes. A few clouds are scattered throughout the radiant blue sky, and a gentle breeze hits at all the right times. Your eyes are softly closed behind your sunglasses, but you open them when you hear a flock of seagulls flying overhead. As you glance around, a lady is exiting the water nearby, and you contemplate a quick dip yourself. As the lady leisurely towels herself dry, you notice that her skin is turquoise. After blinking a couple times to confirm what you’re seeing, you find yourself dumbfounded.

Bugle #82: Small but mighty

Whoa-vember! How did we get here? If you’re in Daylight Saving Time, take comfort in knowing you’ll have an extra hour this weekend when we “fall back.” Hopefully that makes up for the last ten months that passed by at warp speed.

Celebrate the new month by reading some of the best HR, leadership, and policy management articles we found over the past couple weeks.

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Article of the Week: We’re often told not to sweat the small stuff, but sometimes a bit of perspiration is a good thing. When it comes to employee engagement, the small stuff can add up to big results (look for the below).

Tiring or Inspiring? Boost Onboarding with the Peak-End Rule

Remember the last time you fished around the bottom of an ice-cold cooler for your beverage of choice? Imagine keeping your hand in that frigid water for more than a couple seconds. Not a pleasant hypothetical, huh? However, let’s say you’ve got two options. Option 1: you immerse your hand for 60 seconds and, after the minute has passed, you’re done. Option 2: you submerge your hand for 90 seconds total, but the temperature will increase by 2° F after the first 60 seconds. So, the difference between Option 1 and Option 2 is that the second offering includes a bonus period of 30 seconds of still-pretty-much-ice-cold water. Which unfavorable option are you leaning toward?

Bugle #81: You down with EVP?

Happy National Chocolate Cupcake Day! We know you’ve been counting down to this special day. But, seriously, National Chocolate Cupcake Day is apparently a thing, and a number of bakeries are offering specials. This day only happens once a year, folks.

Before you go satisfy your sweet tooth, take a look at some of the best HR, leadership, and policy management articles we found over the past couple weeks.

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Article of the Week: Do your eyes gloss over when reading your company’s values? By identifying why your company really matters, you can increase liking and unity in the workplace – and, in turn, engagement. Make sure your message resonates with employees (look for the below).

To Commit is Legit

You’re browsing your inbox and see an invite for Mark’s Birthday Cookout Extravaganza and Other Shenanigans. You realize it’s the same day as that 5K you registered for, so you’re not sure whether you’ll feel up to it after the early morning run. You’re hesitant to click one of the customized responses – “Heck yes” or “No, I’m a loser” – because you aren’t ready to commit one way or another, and you’ll likely feel tied to whichever option you choose now come Extravaganza day.