Last day of March! Well hello there, friends. It’s Friday, and tomorrow is April 1st. While the other tech companies were thinking of “funny” pranks for April Fools Day, we were finding the latest and greatest HR and policy management articles to send to you. Gosh, aren’t we the best? Hope your weekend rocks – good luck staying prank-free tomorrow!
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Article of the Week: I’d hate to be this week’s highlighted piece (look for the ✦ below) because last week’s eBook is a tough act to follow. However, this week’s highlighted article stood out to me because my wife tried something just like it and it worked.
Got any secrets you use to make people happier at work?
Woo, Friday is here! We had a great week, how about you? Spring is here in Atlanta and everything is starting to turn yellow from the pollen. Is it time to give your employee handbook a spring cleaning? While you decide, why don’t you check out the HR and policy management articles we gathered for you? Have a splendid weekend!
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Article eBook of the Week: This week’s highlighted piece (look for the ✦ below) is our very own eBook! Whether you’re using Blissbook, a slidedeck, a PDF, or some other platform to distribute your handbook, it pays to make it culture-first! Read the eBook to find out how.
🍀 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It’s been quite a week and we’re ready to celebrate. We checked out the latest and greatest HR and policy management articles so we could send them to you. Don’t forget to have some green beer this weekend!
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Article of the Week: Although we subscribe to the old adage “the harder you work, the luckier you get”, the subject of this week’s highlighted piece (look for the 🍀 below) is about getting lucky. Not, not that lucky. C’mon now. The subject is creating your own luck and the author has 5 tips to do that.
It’s March AND Friday? Yes! Spring is just around the corner. Of course, here in Atlanta, it started a month ago. I digress… We read so so many HR and policy management articles this week just so we could filter out the best stuff for you. I suppose we also learned some things too. Have a great weekend!
Article of the Week: The subject of this week’s highlighted piece (look for the ✦ below) is the Winner’s Effect and how small victories give us the confidence to keep winning.
Are there ways you can show off some wins to your team so they’ll keep the win streak alive?
The weekend is almost here! We hope your work week was fun, challenging, and drama-free. We read a wheelbarrow full of articles to find the best HR and policy management content for your reading pleasure. Enjoy and have an awesome Saturday (and Sunday)!
Article of the Week: This week’s highlighted piece (look for the ✦ below) takes a “Moneyball” approach to hiring. We like it because (a) we like baseball and (b) finding creative ways to grow your company gives you a competitive advantage. What other under-valued objects have you discovered and utilized to your advantage?
We’re finally getting around to launching our weekly newsletter and since the info we’re blasting out every week is so valuable, we thought we’d post it on the ol’ blogaroo as well. We’ll be back every Friday with the best HR and policy management content we can find to help you become a better HR pro, leader, and person. Without further adieu…
TGIF, am I right?! You made it through the week and to commemorate your accomplishment, we’ve gathered the best HR and policy management resources for your reading pleasure. Enjoy and have a great weekend!
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Article of the Week: We love our first ever A.O.T.W. (look for the ✦ below) because it highlights just how important language is. Language exists just as much to influence as it does to communicate. How are you influencing the people you communicate with? On that note…
Which of this week’s articles do you think is the most useful?